‘Your body’s ability to heal itself is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe’


‘Your body’s ability to heal itself is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe’


Chiropractic has been around for over 100 years, Founded in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer, it seems, more by luck than judgement!  From replacing a segment in the spine of his employee who was deaf, he established the concept that misaligned spinal segments interfere with proper nerve function ~ Eureka!


In between vertebrae is something like a shock absorber, ‘the discs’.  The other two joints are called facet joints.  It is the release of gas within the facet joint that results in the popping sound you hear, like the popping of a champagne cork.


A vertebral subluxation is not so much the condition of a bone being out of place, it is more like a bone is functioning or moving in a less than ideal way.  In a manner that is not normal for the body.


The spinal cord is like a nerve “super highway”, full of information flowing between the brain and the body.


The spinal cord beginning at the base of the brain in the skull, extends through the bony canal down the middle of the spine to the lower back.  (Lumbar)

In the lumbar section of the spine, the spinal cord ends and becomes bundles of nerve fibres, a bit like spaghetti.

If there is an obstruction (subluxation) in the “Super highway”, the nerve is therefore not performing as it should and adjusting restores function!



What is a SUBLUXATION – A vertebral subluxation is where the vertebral segment isn’t working effectively due to the small muscles that attach to individual vertebrae, becoming tight due to a variety of reasons (Stress, in many forms – Physical/Chemical/Emotional)



The Lumbar Spine – lower back, consists of 5 vertebrae (L1 through to L5) – situated at the base

The Cervical Spine – consists of 7 vertebrae C1 – C7 (C1 Atlas/C2 Axis), this is the most superior portion of the vertebral column.

The Thoracic Spine – Connects with the cervical spine above and lumbar below (abdomen up to the base of the neck).  Consists of 12 vertebrae T1 down to T12





The differences between the different studies –

Chiropractic Is a study of the nervous system that adjusts the skeletal system to influence the flow of nerves which provide communication to every muscle, cell and organ.

Osteopathy Is a study of bone, focussing on the circulatory system.  They use manipulations but more whole body as well as using a soft tissue technique.

Physiotherapy Similar to Osteopathy, but the study of movement – treats muscles, tendons & ligaments
































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