You Are What You Eat

By Dr Geoffrey Biarge (Doctor Of Chiropractic)

Very few nutritionists in the world would argue with : eat real food, not too much, mostly plant based.

Regardless of whether it’s people trying to reach elite sports or trying to lose weight. It all starts at the same spot, it’s all a matter of what you are eating. It’s pretty obvious.

Eat real food

If you left it on the shelf it would perish and mold really quickly. Things are pretty clear, to extend the shelf life of a product and make this product tasting, people put bad stuff in it by taking nutrients out.

The quality of food is paramount, and it’s simpler than you think. Forget the percentages, macros, micronutrients, meal timing, carb backloading… “We’ve complicated something that doesn’t have to be complicated” Ben Bergeron.

Not too much

Eat a balanced plate every single time you eat ! Let’s have about one palm-sized serving of proteins (4 to 6 ounces of salmon, fish, chicken, vegetable proteins… whatever you want), one palm-sized serving of fruit or starch, one thumb-sized serving of fat, the rest is vegetables.

The secret of not eating too much is no snacking between meals.

If you are a woman with a small to medium shirt do that 3 times a day, if you are a man with a large to extra large shirt do it 4 times a day.

Mostly planted

It should be plant based because they are the most nutrient dense foods that you can eat (magnesium, zinc, vit A,B,C…).

Most of the good stuff is the least calorie dense and low sugar. If you eat them raw it’s pretty much unlimited, if you cook them don’t exceed the size of the plate.

About supplementation…….

You should not be supplementing with anything unless you know why you’re doing it. That would be like not knowing what kind of car you’re driving whether it’s gas or diesel…i’m going to put this anyway !

This article is about basic nutrition fundamentals.

Sure we can play the geeking game but unless you don’t lower your body fat percentages, the supplements won’t help you as much.

You wont get sick after one meal but you do get sick after a thousand meals. If you’re way above 150 g to 210 g of carbohydrates a day, the first thing to do is to make smart choices especially when you eat out. Start improving your level of awareness and check how much sugar, how many carbohydrates are you having. For you and for your kids.

If you have questions please email and Dr Geoffrey will be happy to answer them.

References: Simplifying Nutrition –

Chasing excellence with Ben Bergeron (podcast available on Youtube)

Michael Pollan – “Food Rules” (book)

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